Size of Ukraine rebuild is currently estimated to be 750 – 1.000 Milliard euro. While the war efforts still rage on, international organizations and companies are already getting ready for the next phase – Ukraine rebuild.
International financiers include the World Bank, the European Union, the U.S.A., European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, G7 countries (U.S.A., Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan) and individual countries with their own national aid and rebuild programs worldwide.
Ukraine rapid damage and needs assessment evaluates the funding to be directed as 35% to social sectors (housing, healthcare and hospitals, education, social protection), 15% to productive sectors (commerce, industry, agriculture, irrigation, water resources, banking), 30% to infrastructure sectors (energy, transport, extractives, telecom and digital, water supply and sanitation, municipal services) and 20% to cross-cutting sectors such as environment management, land decontamination, natural resources and forestry, emergency response and civil protection, and public administration.
On 23rd of June 2022, the European Council granted Ukraine the status of a candidate for accession to the European Union. It means some of the objectives of the rebuild programs will be to conform all Ukrainian standards and legislation into European Union standards.
Poland has taken an active role in supporting Ukraine in the efforts. Poland and Ukraine together form a land corridor of 917.000 Km2 stretching from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea. Combined population of these two neighbours is 80 Million people in the heart of Europe.
Poland has become a hub for deliveries to Ukraine starting in April-May 2022. Materials are first stored in Polish territory before shipment across the border to Ukraine. All main international passenger routes connecting the European Union and Ukraine pass through Ukraine.
Almost 14.000 Ukrainian business were created in Poland in the first nine months of 2022. These Ukrainian-Polish companies will play an important role in the rebuild.
Over 500 Polish companies have already registered in aid support programs for reconstruction of Ukraine. These include companies from key sectors of rebuild such as construction, medical, transport and logistics, agriculture, automotive, IT/ICT, food and food processing, transportation equipment, production machinery, and a large variety of consumer goods. Most of the submissions come from small and medium-sized enterprises with already close ties with the Ukrainian market.
Acquiring a local business partner company either in Ukraine or in Poland is a crucial success factor for participation.